Online Resources

“Online Resources” includes links to videos and web sites that might be of interest to you. The most recent posting will appear at the top.

Round Celtic Design. Celtic mandala, isolated on white, vector illustration

These “quick” histories make good starting points.

Brief History of the Conflicts in Northern Ireland

Why Ireland Split Into the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland

The Animated History of Scotland

Round Celtic Design. Celtic mandala

Documentaries About The Troubles in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland in the 1960s/1970s

Who Won the War? Documentary by Peter Taylor

BBC Northern Ireland Bloody Friday Documentary

Peace in Northern Ireland, But Religious Divide Remains (PBS 2012)

BREXIT Stirs up Old Divides in Northern Ireland (PBS 2017)

Two Days After Peace Pact, Reconciliation Still Lags in Northern Ireland (PBS 2018)

360 video: Belfast peace walls form a ‘no man’s land’ in divided city

Round Celtic Design. Celtic mandala, isolated on white, vector illustration

Here are several very interesting online films that tell the story of Belfast’s murals, public paintings that have served to express the emotions and ideas of the conflict sine The Troubles began.

Art of Conflict Northern Ireland’s Street Murals (2013)

Northern Ireland’s Troubles–Walls of Shame

Round Celtic Design. Celtic mandala, isolated on white, vector illustration

Biographical films about Robert Burns and recordings of his poems and songs. YouTube hosts many recordings of both the sung and spoken poems. 

Robert Burns: The Myth and the Man

Robert Burns: The Peoples Poet (BBC)

Robert Burns: The Man and His Legend


The poetry…

All of Robert Burns’s poems with English translations

” A Man’s a Man For A’ That” sung at the Opening of the Scottish Parliament by Sheena Wellington

“Green Grow the Rashes, O” sung by Jean Redpath

“The Ultimate Tam O’Shanter” (animated)

“Westerin Wind” sung by Jean Redpath

Craigie Burn Wood” sung by Jean Redpath

“Ae Fond Kiss” sung by Susan Boyle

“Address to the Devil” The Art Classroom

“Scots Wha Hae” sung by Dougie Maclean

“The Winter it is Past” sung by Jean Redpath

Round Celtic Design. Celtic mandala

Films about Sir Walter Scott and Scott’s most famous poems (texts). 

Did Sir Walter Scott invent Scotland? a lecture by Dr. Juliet Shields

Sir Walter Scott’s home in Scotland (Abbotsford)


Scott’s Poetry

The Lay of the Last Minstrel

The Lady of the Lake































Christine Cozzens on Ireland: The View from Here
Since you are going to spend ten days in Ireland with me, you might enjoy reading the blog I wrote while living there during my sabbatical from June 2014 to June 2015. The blog opens to entry 52. To see the earlier posts, click on “Past Posts” at the top and on each page of twelve posts, scroll down to “Older Entries.” The posts do not have to be read in order. I hope you enjoy it!
The View from Here by Christine Cozzens

Irish History in Six Half Minutes!
This delightful clip accurately summarizes the highlights of Irish history with humor and illustrations. Click on the title and enjoy!
Irish History in Six Minutes

The Easter Rising in Eight Minutes!
And ditto for this summary of the key events of the Easter Rising of 1916, whose centenary is being celebrated this year.
The Easter Rising in Eight Minutes